Rath Soul β
Rath Soul β parts
Rarity 7
Rath Soul Helm β
56 ~ 82 +3 +2 -3 +2 -4
Rath Soul Mail β
56 ~ 82 +3 +2 -3 +2 -4
Rath Soul Braces β
56 ~ 82 +3 +2 -3 +2 -4
Rath Soul Coil β
56 ~ 82 +3 +2 -3 +2 -4
Rath Soul Greaves β
56 ~ 82 +3 +2 -3 +2 -4
Total 280 ~ 410 +15 +10 -15 +10 -20
Rath Soul β skills
Critical Boost 1 Increases the damage of critical hits.
Rathalos Mastery 5 Unavailable
Free Elem/Ammo Up 1 Unlocks your weapon's hidden element. Also increases bowgun loading capacity. (There is a cap to loading capacity.)
Focus 2 Increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks.
Windproof 2 Grants protection against wind pressure.
Game Version
ver. 15.11
ver. 15.10
ver. 15.02
ver. 15.01
ver. 14.01
ver. 14.00
ver. 13.50
ver. 13.01
ver. 12.11
ver. 11.50
ver. 10.12
ver. 6.04
ver. 6.03
ver. 6.02
ver. 6.01
ver. 6.00
ver. 5.20
ver. 5.11
ver. 5.10
ver. 5.00
ver. 4.00
ver. 3.00
ver. 2.01
ver. 2.00
ver. 1.06
ver. 1.01
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