★9 Tracking the Delivery
While gathering samples out in the field, I noticed a number of rare tracks. I'll need a capable hunter to get the remainder of my samples, plus gather these tracks!
Deliver 10 Blue Beryl
Elder's Recess
HR 50 or higher
Scholar on the Scene
Time expires Faint 3 times
Failure Conditions
Reward Money
HR 160
Time limit: 50 minutes.
Max Players: 4
Monsters Players Health Attack Defense Part Breakability Ailments Stun Exhaust Mount
Quest Rewards
Tracking the Delivery monster sizes
Game Version
ver. 15.11
ver. 15.10
ver. 15.02
ver. 15.01
ver. 14.01
ver. 14.00
ver. 13.50
ver. 13.01
ver. 12.11
ver. 11.50
ver. 10.12
ver. 6.04
ver. 6.03
ver. 6.02
ver. 6.01
ver. 6.00
ver. 5.20
ver. 5.11
ver. 5.10
ver. 5.00
ver. 4.00
ver. 3.00
ver. 2.01
ver. 2.00
ver. 1.06
ver. 1.01
Kiranico © 2024 Credits