Golden Lune α+
Golden Lune α+ parts
Rarity 12
Golden Lunehelm α+
162 ~ 200 +3 -2 -4 +4
Golden Lunemail α+
162 ~ 200 +3 -2 -4 +4
Golden Lunebraces α+
162 ~ 200 +3 -2 -4 +4
Golden Lunecoil α+
162 ~ 200 +3 -2 -4 +4
Golden Lunegreaves α+
162 ~ 200 +3 -2 -4 +4
Total 810 ~ 1000 +15 -10 -20 +20
Golden Lune α+ skills
Health Boost 3 Increases health.
Poison Attack 4 Increases the rate of poison buildup. (Elemental buildup has a maximum limit.)
Gold Rathian Essence 5 Unavailable
Divine Blessing 5 Has a predetermined chance of reducing the damage you take.
Resentment 3 Increases attack when you have recoverable damage (the red portion of your health gauge).
Weakness Exploit 2 Increases the affinity of attacks that exploit a monster weak spot.
Spread/Power Shots 1 Increases the attack power of spread ammo, power shot arrows, and Thousand Dragons.
Game Version
ver. 15.11
ver. 15.10
ver. 15.02
ver. 15.01
ver. 14.01
ver. 14.00
ver. 13.50
ver. 13.01
ver. 12.11
ver. 11.50
ver. 10.12
ver. 6.04
ver. 6.03
ver. 6.02
ver. 6.01
ver. 6.00
ver. 5.20
ver. 5.11
ver. 5.10
ver. 5.00
ver. 4.00
ver. 3.00
ver. 2.01
ver. 2.00
ver. 1.06
ver. 1.01
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